If not, you'll need to go to your profile as you would when requesting a connection, click the Details ... tab, and click Follow.
How to follow someone on Linkedin
Why follow someone instead of connecting?
If you can connect and enjoy the same benefits, you may think that there is no specific reason to follow someone. However, there are some cases where the following are really ideal:
1 – I'm interested in the content that members share, but I don't consider it a personal or professional contact.
2 – No connection options available. This usually happens when you're a public figure, brand, or someone with a high privacy Cork E-Bikes Zone setting if it's not your first connection. For example, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, asks people to enter their personal email address to make sure they know him.3 – I don't want to establish a connection because I don't want to share personal or professional information with that person.
4 – I want to quickly access someone's post without waiting for someone to connect and accept you.
Network expansion
There are a huge variety of people out there on LinkedIn, counting with 645 million experts to connect, expand your knowledge, opportunities and profits, and follow .
How do I get more LinkedIn connections?
1 – If you're considering connecting with someone you haven't talked to before, it's a good idea to personalize your connection response and add relevance. Even LinkedIn says it's likely to accept requests that include personal notes and advises them to do so .